Sep 16, 2024  
2018-2019 Student Guide and Calendar 
2018-2019 Student Guide and Calendar [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Did You Know?

Did you know?

Announcements & Posters

Bulletin boards are located across campus for the advertisement of campus activities and announcements.  All postings must be approved by the Dean of Student Services and must conform to Brazosport College policy FLA (Local).  Anyone wishing to post material on the bulletin boards should contact the Dean of Student Services

Contact: Dean, Student Services, 979-230-3233
Room: J.108

Distinguished Student Awards

Each spring, BC recognizes students for:

  • academic achievement
  • student activity participation & leadership
  • good citizenship

Distinguished students must:

  • have 3.25 cumulative G.P.A. (based on 24 or more hours of college-level work)
  • be enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours in the spring semester

Nominations are made by the faculty & staff.

Evening & Weekend Classes

Students encountering problems or needing assistance during evening hours should contact the college switchboard where they will be referred for further help, 979-230-3000.

Fitness loft

The Fitness Loft offers free membership to all students attending Brazosport College to encourage health and fitness in their lives. A wide variety of fitness equipment is offered to meet students’ needs including weight machines, free weights, treadmills, elliptical machines and more. All students entering the Fitness Loft must have a current BC student ID card.

Contact: Fitness Loft, 979-230-3359

Incomplete Grades

The grade of “I”:

  • denotes incomplete course requirements;
  • may be given when a student, for a justifiable reason (such as illness), has failed to complete course requirements;
  • must be secured by approval of the instructor through student contact;
  • must be removed by completing course requirements within 60 days after the end of the semester (student is responsible for arranging with the instructor for completion of course requirements);
  • will become an “F” unless course requirements have been satisfactorily completed.

Lost & Found

Lost and found items are held at the Security Office (J.228A) for 30 days. Please bring articles to the Security Office (J.228A). BC reserves the right to distribute unclaimed items to local charitable organizations or to college clubs and organizations.

MyBC Card (Student ID)

Students completing enrollment and paying fees are issued the myBC Card from the library which:
  • is renewable each semester the student is enrolled during the life of the card (myBC MasterCard three year card life, myBC card one year life);
  • if it is stolen, lost or damaged beyond use during the life of the card, there will be a replacement fee charged (myBC MasterCard $20, myBC card $10);
  • allows participation in designated college activities;
  • must be presented for identification purposes when requested by college officials/other designated authorities;
  • is used to check books out of the BC library;
  • must be shown to take exams in Learning Services;
  • must be shown at the IT Help Desk to obtain an account.

Nursing Room

Room D.100A is available for the use of nursing mothers. To obtain access Monday - Thursday, 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM, and Friday, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, contact Dawn Dedas in C.100. During all other hours, contact Brazosport College Security at 979-236-3959.

Procedures for Forming Campus Organizations

Groups desiring to start a new club or organization should schedule a meeting with the Director of Student Life, to discuss the organization of the group and entire registration process. 

Contact: Kelli Forde Spiers, 979-230-3355

Sale of Food, Drinks, and/or Other Items on Campus

Organizations wishing to sell food, drinks or other items on campus for fundraising activities should request prior approval from the Director, Student Life.

Contact: Director, Student Life, 979-230-3355
Room: J.117

The Swamp

A student recreational area, The Swamp, is located in G.100 where students may play games and interact with other students. This area includes equipment and games for student enjoyment including pool and ping pong tables, foosball, vending machines, television and gaming areas. All students entering the Swamp must have a current BC Student ID card.

Unattended Minors

For their safety, unattended minors of students and employees are not permitted on campus while students are in class or while employees are conducting business. In consideration of others, parents or other caregivers are not permitted to bring children to class.