Sep 16, 2024  
2018-2019 Student Guide and Calendar 
2018-2019 Student Guide and Calendar [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Organizations

Get Involved in Campus Activities

Get involved in organizations or activities - a great way to meet others with similar interests.

There are numerous opportunities and organizations that Brazosport College students can choose to participate in during their time as a student. Students have the opportunity to participate in student organizations, intramurals, community outreach and much more. Research shows that students who are involved in campus activities are significantly more likely to achieve their academic and personal goals than those who are not. Don’t miss out on the many opportunities to get involved in campus activities at BC!

American Sign Language Club

The American Sign Language Club (ASL) at Brazosport College strives to develop the sign language skills of members while also learning more about the deaf culture in order to be able to communicate with the deaf and hard-of-hearing.

Contact: Kelli Forde Spiers, 979-230-3550


Semester scholarships, up to $750, are available by audition for each of the following groups:

  • Jazz Band plays a variety of swing, Latin, rock and funk and performs various concerts on and off campus each semester.
  • Jazz Combo plays a variety of jazz and pop music, and backs up the Jazz Singers as well as performs independently.
  • College and Community Band is comprised of both students and community members who perform marches, overtures, classical transcriptions and Broadway music in two to three concerts each semester.

Contact: Richard Birk, 979-230-3272

Chess Club

The Chess Club at Brazosport College provides the opportunity for both seasoned players and aspiring chess enthusiasts to meet, learn, and compete against each other. Members gather bi-weekly for lectures on chess theory and tactics, and to exercise creativity and problem solving in leisurely play.

Contact: Ioana Agut, 979-230-3386


Chamber Choir is an auditioned group of 14-18 singers chosen for reading and blending skills. Music performed is traditional choral music from madrigals to contemporary. The choir will perform two to three concerts a semester, some in combination with other vocal groups. Semester scholarships, up to $750, are available for students enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours with a minimum 2.0 GPA.

College Singers/Civic Chorus combines with the Chamber Choir for some performances. Semester scholarships, up to $650, are available for students enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours with a minimum 2.0 GPA.

Jazz Singers is an auditioned group of singers and instrumentalists that perform various styles of jazz. Members are chosen from Chamber Choir and perform three to four times a semester.   Semester scholarships, up to $750, are available for students enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours with a minimum 2.0 GPA.

Contact: Richard Birk, 979-230-3272


BC’s Drama Department produces five shows annually, two each fall & spring semester, plus a Shakespeare in the Glen production in the summer. Auditions are usually held in September & January or by announcement. Anyone may audition. Students may be actors, technicians, carpenters, painters, costumers, back stage workers, and on occasion, singers and dancers.

Contact: Dana Andersen-Wyman, 979-230-3329

Future Teachers Association

The Future Teacher Association welcomes everyone at Brazosport College interested in education. Our purpose is to develop leadership skills and educate students, community members and ourselves about the importance of teaching and education.

Contact: Rachel Cloeter, 979-230-3172

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity strives to bring awareness to the issues of poverty and housing, and works to alleviate these issues by assisting the local affiliate chapter in building new homes for families in our community.

Contact: Kelli Forde Spiers, 979-230-3355

Honors Program

The Honors Program serves learners who are bright, motivated and creative. Students and faculty tailor the Honors curriculum to challenge learners to enhance their scholarship. Learners may earn Honors credit through individual teacher/student contracts or enrollment in Honors-designated courses.

Honors study advantages:

  • Travel to local, state & national conferences
  • Earn scholarships at Brazosport College and 4-year colleges & universities
  • Design an individual study program
  • Enjoy smaller classes & more individual interaction with faculty
  • Honors recognition on your academic transcript
  • Meet leadership & scholastic excellence goals
  • Experience cultural events & field trips to explore the world beyond the classroom
  • Publish and present research projects at local, state & national levels

Contact: Carrie Pritchett, 979-230-3538


The Intramurals Program promotes friendly competition between BC students in a variety of sporting events. BC offers basketball, flag football, volleyball, table tennis, pool, tennis and more. BC students also compete twice a year with other colleges in the Gulf Coast Intercollegiate Conference. Announcements concerning events and entry procedures are posted weekly around campus. All participants must have a current Brazosport College student ID.

Contact: Latricia Williams, 979-230-3513

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Straight Alliance (LGBTQSA)

The Brazosport College LGBTQSA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Straight Alliance) provides a safe and supportive environment for LGBTQ students and their straight allies. Its goal is to promote acceptance and diversity on campus. Meetings are twice a month.

Contact: Dr. April Julier, 979-230-3174

Multicultural Club

The Multicultural Club provides all students, faculty and staff with an opportunity to share their experiences and cultural backgrounds while learning about others. The Multicultural Club raises cultural awareness and diversity issues on Brazosport College’s campus and in the surrounding community.

Contact: Tanisha Millender, 979-230-3473

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

ΦΘΚ is the International Honor Society for two-year colleges. The purpose of ΦΘΚ is to recognize and encourage scholarship. This is achieved through participating in opportunities for leadership, service, and scholarship while encouraging fellowship. To be invited into membership, a student must have earned a 3.5 overall GPA and have completed 12 semester hours of academic study, exclusive of transitional courses. To remain a member of ΦΘΚ, a student must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Scholarship opportunities are available for members.

Contact: Cassie Bruner, 979-230-3259


Revive.BC is a non-denominational Christian student organization that meets weekly on the Brazosport College campus.  Believers will be able to grow in their faith and be discipled through fellowship with other believers, live worship, service, and study of God’s word.  Seekers may expect to be welcomed as they consider/question the validity of the Christian faith.

Contact: Jerry James, 979-230-3353

Robotics Club

The Robotics Club at Brazosport College provides students with opportunities which broaden and enrich their participation in the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related studies and careers.  The club pursues various opportunities to help students develop leadership skills, broaden their understanding of the role of STEM related fields in the world, and develop a more informed perception of their place in the world of STEM.

Contact: Bill Fenn, 979-230-3261

Student Construction Association

The Brazosport College Student Construction Association provides a niche for those dedicated to the advancement of women and other “non-traditional” populations in the construction industry by giving our members opportunities to learn, to demonstrate their talents, and to develop professionally.

Contact: Beth Cassidy

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Brazosport College Student Government Association is the official voice of the student body to the BC Administration. The Student Government Association provides an opportunity and avenue for students to participate in the college’s decision making process. Its members consist of elected and appointed officers that meet weekly.

Contact: Kelli Forde Spiers, 979-230-3550

Student Nursing Association

Established for Associate Degree and Vocational nursing students, membership encourages participation in leadership, service, scholarship, and professional role development. Membership includes current compliance with nursing program admission and progression requirements, and yearly membership dues.

Contact: Shari Jones, 979-230-3424

Student Veterans Association

The mission of SVABC is to provide a sense of camaraderie for U.S. military veterans currently attending Brazosport College, U.S. military veterans who are currently serving in the U.S. military, and those who support the U.S. military in any way, shape, or form and to help military students succeed both socially and academically.  Typically, meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Contact: Teresa LeBlanc-Collins, 979-230-3442

Visual Arts Collective

Art students and students who are interested in art will meet approximately once a month to view, discuss, and learn about art, careers in art, and art schools. Plans also include travel to galleries and museums.

Contact: Molly Brauhn, 979-230-3335