Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Guide & Calendar 
2024-2025 Student Guide & Calendar

Campus Emergency Plan

Local Emergency Numbers

Dial 911 or one of the following numbers.  NOTE: Based on cellular phone carriers and telephone routing dialing the 979 area code may not be necessary to complete a telephone call.

City Fire Police Ambulance
Lake Jackson 415-2700 415-2700 415-2700
Richwood 265-8157 265-8157 265-8157
Clute 265-6194 265-6194 265-6194
Freeport 239-1211 239-1211 239-1211

Campus Emergency Numbers

  • Dial 911
  • Utilizing an on-campus Cisco phone
    • Push the direct dial button labeled “PS”
    • Dial extension 3030
  • Call Campus Safety at 230-3030

BC Alert

The BC Alert system alerts the college community of threats to physical safety. These threats include severe weather, hazardous materials accidents, physical violence, etc. The system is designed to provide rapid alerts to the entire college community and to provide vital information to assist alert recipients in responding to a particular threat. The system is designed to alert students and employees whether or not they are actually on campus at the time of the alert.

The BC Alert system is part of the college’s overall emergency response plan and includes additional alerting and communications systems that transmit alerts on college property.

Campus Emergency Contacts

NOTE: The individuals listed below can be notified to assist in reaching appropriate persons in an emergency. Every emergency is different. Individuals are expected to exercise judgment and respond appropriately.

Chad Leveritt, Director of Campus Safety & Chief of Police 
Katherine Davis, Police Lieutenant Campus Safety
Jose Lopez, Police Lieutenant Campus Safety
Mrs. Ginger Wooster, VP Financial Services & CFO
Dr. William McGonagle, VP Human Resources
Dr. Monique Baucham, VP Academic Affairs & Institutional Effectiveness
Mrs. Anne Bartlett, VP Industry & Community Resources
Mr. Jeff Detrick, AVP Academic Affairs
Mrs. Lauren McCormick, AVP Student Success
Open, Dean of Student Success
Open, Dean of Instruction, Business, Liberal Arts & Science
Dr. Mitch Seal, Dean of Instruction, Health & Industrial Technology
Dr. Baba Adams, Dean of Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Research
Ms. Priscilla Sanchez, Dean of Dual Enrollment & Achievement
Mr. Cesar Jimenez, Director, Marketing & Communications
Mrs. Tracee Watts, Sr. VP Student Success & Advancement
Dr. Vincent Solis, President

Introduction to Emergency Information

This section is intended to provide a ready source of information in an emergency. Every emergency situation is unique and can take a variety of forms. For some major emergencies, such as hurricanes and floods, preparations can be made, but there is no preparation for most emergencies. Knowing whom to contact can save time, property, and even lives in some cases. The following provides general information about what to do in an emergency. It is highly recommended that everyone read the Emergency Operations Plan which is available for download from the Brazosport College website, under About BC > Campus Safety & the Police Department.  Time should be taken to review the Emergency Placards posted in classrooms and office areas around campus.  College administrators can provide additional information if there are questions about these procedures.

Everyone Should:

  • Think of the safety of individuals, first and foremost
  • Use common sense in dealing with situations
  • Act quickly in the event of an emergency
  • Remain calm
  • Be factual in dealing with others
  • Develop contingency plans and train staff
  • Rehearse emergency procedures
  • Practice prevention

In all emergencies, follow the directions of emergency personnel and college administrators.

Building Evacuation

  1. Evacuation Alarms and Announcements

In case of fire, natural gas leak, the release of a toxic or lethal substance, a bomb threat, or other threats, it may become necessary to perform a building evacuation. Please note that in cases of a release of toxic or lethal substances or shooting incidents, some buildings may not be evacuated and, instead, may be instructed to shelter-in-place, lockdown, or take other precautions and actions. If an evacuation in your building is necessary due to fire or other threatening conditions, a voice announcement to evacuate will be made via the fire alarm system, the voiceover IP telephones, and/or the external speaker system. In the event of a fire, an audible alarm and flashing strobe light will activate.  In the event of a flashing strobe with no sound, it should be treated as an audible alarm.  Please follow the directions provided in the announcement.

  1. Evacuation Zones

If you are instructed to proceed to an evacuation zone, please proceed to the following zones depending upon your location:

Location Proceed to
The Clarion South end of Blue Lot at Legacy Lane
BC Central The closest of:
  • The walking trail across West Gator Drive from C Wing
  • North end of Green Lot, near Gator Drive
  • South end of Blue Lot near Legacy Lane
  • North end of Orange Lot, near Gator Drive 
  • West side of Red Lot, near West Gator Drive
Corporate Learning Center and The Children’s Center North end of Orange Lot, Gator Drive
The Freeport LNG Crafts Academy (L and M Wings), the BASF Center, the Sadler buildings North end of Green Lot, near Gator Drive
North end of Orange Lot, near Gator Drive
Dow Academic Center West side of Red Lot near West Gator Drive, near West Gator Dive
South end of Blue Lot near Legacy Lane
Welding Technologies Lab Green space west of Welding Lab parking lot
  1. Evacuation Charts and Procedures - An evacuation floor plan chart is included on the Emergency Placards posted in each classroom and office area to assist you in vacating to a safe area. 
    1. Ground floor locations: the floor plan chart will provide directions to the appropriate exit door through which you can proceed to your designated evacuation zone if so instructed.
    2. Second-floor locations: the placards will provide you with directions to the exit door and routing to the nearest stairwell location or Area of Refuge to help assure your safe evacuation to ground level.  Once on the ground, proceed to your designated evacuation area. Assist those occupants needing aid in leaving the building. REMEMBER: do not use the elevators
    3. Contact Campus Safety at 979-230-3030 and inform them if there is a disabled person in need of assistance to exit a building and provide a location.  Remember, do not use elevators.

When leaving the building, be sure to: (i) carry all personal items with you, (ii) disconnect and cover electrical equipment that must be protected, and (iii) close doors behind you as you depart.

Once outside, stay clear of emergency vehicles and responding personnel and return to an evacuated building once cleared to do so by a College administrator.

Any time the buildings are evacuated, the faculty/staff should take their cellular phone. Depending upon the situation, faculty, staff, students, and the broader college community will be informed of a college emergency via the college’s emergency notification system (BC Alert), which includes phone calls, emails, as well as text messages. 

Public announcements of the campus reopening will be made through BC Alert, Houston radio stations, and TV stations listed.

Houston TV Stations


Houston Radio Stations

The following radio stations may be requested to broadcast information regarding local conditions after hurricanes:

Houston KTRH - 740 FM
Houston KPRC - 950 AM

Notification of an Emergency

In the event of an emergency requiring college evacuation, you will be notified by college administrators and Campus Safety personnel to leave the area. The President has ultimate authority unless authority is delegated to another administrator in their absence.  In the absence of the president, the delegation of authority for Brazosport College closings and all emergency situations progresses in the following order (1) Chief of Police/Director of Campus Safety, (2) Police Administrative Lieutenant, (3) Sr. VP, Student Success & Advancement,  (4) VP Human Resources, (5) VP Financial Services & CFO, (6) VP Industry & Community Resources.  If these persons are off campus, the administrator on duty will be responsible for assigning persons to issue the notice to evacuate the campus. Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by college administrators.


Should a fire condition exist, an alarm will sound.

Know the closest exit in the event of a fire. Observe posted evacuation routes. Emergency exits are clearly marked with overhead red or exit markers. College personnel are responsible for pointing out exit signs to students in their classes or employees under their supervision.

There are over 150 fire extinguishers on campus. Know the location of the fire extinguishers near you.

In the event of a fire, follow these steps:

  1. Act quickly.  Get everyone out to safety before trying to fight a fire.
  2. Pull the nearest fire alarm and call 911 OR
  3. Call Campus Safety at 979-236-3030 or by using the direct dial button on a campus phone.
    1. College personnel assigned to do so will notify students in classes and employees of the emergency.
    2. College faculty and staff will assist people with disabilities in exiting the building.
  4. If the fire is minor and controllable, and you are comfortable utilizing a fire extinguisher, use a nearby fire extinguisher to put out the fire.
  5. If the fire is large and uncontrollable, evacuate all rooms, closing all doors to confine the fire and reduce oxygen. (Do NOT lock doors.)

Know the location of the nearest fire exits.
Know the location of fire extinguishers in your area and how to use them.
Use the stairs. Do not use the elevators.

Freezing Conditions

In the event of freezing weather, the President or designee will monitor road conditions and determine whether or not to close the campus. Employees and students should listen to the local radio and TV stations for information if such conditions exist.  Students will also be notified of campus closures through BC Alert.


Since tornadoes occur without time to prepare, there is little to be done besides protecting persons. BC Alert and assigned college personnel will notify you if a tornado threatens the campus. Remember that you are safer inside the building.  If at all possible, move to an interior room and away from windows and other glass.


Brazosport College’s policy is to follow national weather advisories regarding evacuation of the area in case of severe weather conditions. Employees shall ensure supervisors know how to contact them during an evacuation period.

In the event a hurricane or flood threatens the Brazosport area, the President or designee will monitor conditions and decide whether or not to close the campus. If the determination is made to close the campus, employees should do the following:

  1. Unplug all electrical equipment. Power surges and outages accompanying storms can affect computers and related equipment.
  2. Move computers and electronic equipment away from windows and outside doors and from areas that have leaked in the past. If you need plastic sheeting to cover and protect equipment, contact Facilities and Maintenance at 979-230-3296.
  3. When a hurricane/flood watch is issued, the Director, Facility Services, will be responsible for securing loose materials outside the building.
  4. The Director, Facility Services, will be responsible for shutting down air conditioning, gas, electrical and water systems and  moving equipment to the safest location once the college has been evacuated.
  5. Staff members are responsible for moving equipment and records in their areas to the locations designated in department plans. If assistance is needed, supervisors should contact the Director, Facility Services.
  6. Monitor the Brazosport College website, your college email, and BC Alert system for information on returning to campus.

Bomb Threats

Bomb threats are occasionally made against public institutions. Because the college has an open campus, access to the campus cannot be controlled.

  1. First and foremost is the welfare of the students and employees of the college. If you should receive a threat, try to have the caller agree to transfer the call to Campus Safety at 979-230-3030.
  2. If that fails, attempt to gather as much information as possible.  (Please see the Bomb Threat Checklist for more detailed suggestions on what information you should gather.)
    Try to learn the following:
  • When is the bomb set to go off?
  • What does the bomb look like, and where was it placed?
  • Why was the bomb set?
  • What does the voice of the caller sound like?
  • Were there any identifiable sounds in the background during the call?
  • What was the exact wording of the threat?
  1. Immediately notify Campus Safety at 979-230-3030 that you have received a threatening phone call and relay as much information as possible. You should be prepared to answer questions to the best of your knowledge. NOTE: The President and Campus Safety will decide on the action to be taken.
  2. If an evacuation is ordered, scan your area of the building for any suspicious articles or packages. If questionable items are identified, DO NOT attempt to remove them. Report them to Brazosport College Police.
  3. Leave the building by the nearest exit and proceed to designated evacuation areas.
  4. Do not use cell phones or other electronic devices during a bomb threat or evacuation.
  5. Do not return to the building until you are notified to return by a college administrator.

Do not hang up on phone threats. Keep the caller talking and get as much information as possible.

Violent Acts

When someone witnesses a violent act or the threat of violence, immediately notify Brazosport College Police at 979-230-3030.

Chemical Spills

Any hazardous chemical spill on campus must be reported to Campus Safety at 979-230-3030 and the college administrator on duty at extension 0.

When reporting, be specific about the material spilled and the exact location of the spill. Campus Safety will follow up and contact outside authorities if assistance is needed.

On-site personnel should evacuate the spill area and seal it off as much as possible to prevent contamination of adjoining areas.

On-site personnel should also evacuate adjoining areas if the spill poses a threat to these areas.

Anyone who may be contaminated by the spill should:

  1. Immediately wash with soap and water
  2. Remove contaminated clothing
  3. Request assistance
  4. Remain in the vicinity of the spill
  5. Wait for college personnel to assist you

College labs are equipped with safety showers and eye wash stations. These should be used at once.

Gas Leaks on Campus

If a natural gas leak is detected in the building, the following steps should be taken:

  • Walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and alert others in the area to also evacuate the area. Assist the people with disabilities in exiting the building. Immediately send someone to notify Campus Safety (979-230-3030) of the leak’s location.
  • Go to the designated evacuation area.
  • Do not turn any electrical power source on or off or attempt to use the telephone.
  • Do not use a flame.
  • Do not use elevators in leaving the building.
  • Do not return to an evacuated building until instructed to do so by a college administrator.

Toxic Fume Release (Off Campus)

Shelter-in-place is recommended during an accidental release of toxic fumes from industry, the rail transport of chemicals, or other emergencies where the air quality threatens persons on campus. Shelter in place means staying inside the building or seeking shelter in the nearest building.

Local authorities will notify the college to issue orders for shelter-in-place during chemical emergencies that occur off campus. All employees and students will be directed to remain inside or to seek shelter by the college administrators.

Shelter-In-Place Procedures

  • Go inside the building.
  • Close all external doors and windows.
  • The Director, Facility Services, will be responsible for shutting down the building’s air conditioning/cooling system to reduce the intake of outside air.
  • Turn on the radio or television for further information. Campus TV monitors will provide updated information on the emergency.
  • If your eyes, nose, or throat become irritated, protect breathing by covering your mouth with a damp cloth. You should take frequent shallow breaths and remain calm.
  • If a medical emergency develops, follow the procedures outlined in the Medical Emergencies section.

Do not leave the building until you receive official notification that the danger has passed.

Medical Emergencies

If life-threatening, call 911.  Call Campus Safety at 979-230-3030 if you or others need help. Initiate appropriate action.

Life-Threatening Emergencies:

Unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, choking, seizures, chest pains, or serious bleeding.

  1. GET HELP!
    1. If alone, go quickly to the nearest phone and call 911. Also, notify Campus Safety at 979-230-3030.
    2. If not alone, send someone to the nearest phone to call 911 and notify Campus Safety.
    3. Report the nature and location of the emergency.
    4. Report the condition of the individual.
  2. Render aid as appropriate.
  3. Campus Safety will send someone to meet emergency personnel to direct them to the incident.

General Medical Problems

Non-life-threatening conditions (Injuries/Illness)

  • Contact Campus Safety at 979-230-3030

AEDs & Bleed Control Kits

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a portable electronic device that when combined with CPR can provide lifesaving measures to a person in sudden cardiac arrest.  A number of AEDs are located on campus.  Specific locations are identified on the Campus Emergency Placards posted in classrooms and office areas.  AEDs are also carried in Brazosport College Police and Campus Safety vehicles.  Numerous Bleed Control Kits are available throughout college classrooms.


Vehicle accidents on campus

All accidents, thefts, or offenses that occur on campus must be reported to Campus Security at 979-230-3030. While the college is not responsible for personal vehicles, Campus Safety Officers and/or police officers will assist in the exchange of information.

College vehicle accidents  off campus

Follow normal vehicle accident procedures. Exchange information for police reports. Exchange insurance information. If the accident is serious, injuries are involved, or a college-owned vehicle is disabled, contact Campus Safety at 979-230-3030.

Maintenance Emergencies

Maintenance and related problems include:

  • Power outages and electrical problems
  • Water leaks
  • Gas leaks
  • Sewage problems

Call Campus Safety at 979-230-3030.

WARNING: Do not touch electrical wires. If possible, shut off power in the event of an electrical problem.

Car Trouble or Jumpstarting

Contact Campus Safety to request assistance with jumpstarting and keys locked inside a vehicle.  Campus Safety cannot perform vehicle maintenance or tire changes.

Evacuation Information

In the event of an evacuation of the Brazosport area, college employees will be notified by their immediate supervisors regarding their return to work. Supervisors will use phone numbers at evacuation sites listed by employees for notification. Information about return to work will also be available on the college web page or by dialing the college switchboard for a recorded message. The Brazosport College Emergency Operations Plan is available for download from the Brazosport College website, under the Business and Community section and the Campus Safety Webpage.