Feb 16, 2025  
2022-2023 Course Catalog 
2022-2023 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services


Student Life

Student Body

All students have representation in student government and are encouraged to participate in student-sponsored activities and other activities supported by student service fees. The Office of Student Life supports success by providing quality engagement opportunities that complement educational programs and enhance the collegiate experience for Brazosport College students. The Office of Student Life also provides support for Student Wellness and Basic Needs, all student organizations, New Student Orientation, Health and Wellness programming, the Swamp and the Fitness Loft. For more information, visit the Student Life web page.

Student Wellness and Basic Needs

The Student Wellness and Basic Needs program supports student success by providing access to the most essential resources required for students to thrive.  The Student Wellness and Basic Needs program delivers direct services and supports, connects students to critical on-campus and community resources, and provides educational and empowerment opportunities toward holistic student wellness. Additional information may be found on the Student Life webpage.

Intramural Sports

The Intramural Sports program serves the students of Brazosport College by providing opportunities to participate in various individual and team recreational activities, regardless of performance abilities. Intramural events include open gym times, tournaments, and trips to compete in the Gulf Coast Intercollegiate Consortium intramural events. Please visit the Intramural Sports webpage for additional information on Intramural opportunities.

Clubs and Organizations

Brazosport College offers a wide variety of student clubs and organizations for students. To review a list of student organizations, visit the Student Life web page.

Student groups seeking to be recognized as an official organization and to be eligible to operate on the campus must complete the recognition process through the Office of Student Life which will determine the organization’s eligibility. If the group is eligible for recognition, the Director of Student Life will make the recommendation to the Dean of Student Services and the College President for final approval.

Student Health and Wellness

Your success as a student goes hand-in-hand with your health and wellness. We’re here to help you get moving! With intramural sports, special events and programs, and a fully equipped Fitness Loft, we can help you maintain your physical fitness, as well as develop healthy habits and balanced behaviors. Visit the Health and Wellness webpage for additional information.

Phi Theta Kappa

Brazosport College has a local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the only internationally acclaimed honor society serving two-year colleges. To be eligible for active membership, students must have completed at least 12 semester hours working toward an associate or bachelor degree or 6 semester hours working toward a certificate at Brazosport College, and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 on all college-level coursework attempted. Induction ceremonies are conducted in the fall and spring semesters. Contact Cassie Bruner, Lead Advisor, at 979-230-3132 or phi.theta.kappa@brazosport.edu.

ACE it

ACE it (Advise Connect Empower) is a four-semester program with a personal coach for all first time at BC students. Each student’s coach will guide the student through exploring career options, creating a personalized education plan, accessing resources to help prepare for graduation and/or transfer. Through a structured and collaborative mentoring relationship, students will become empowered to develop their education and career goals.


Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) was established more than three decades ago through the Student Government Committee which was appointed by the student body. The committee formulated a model constitution which was adopted by the student body in October 1969. The first student senate was elected and installed at that time.

The SGA provides representation for students and support for all student organizations. SGA provides opportunities for students to participate in college decision-making processes and planning and to practice self-government. The SGA officers and representatives are elected by the student body. For information on SGA or to become involved, check the SGA webpage, or  call 979-230-3355 or 979-230-3550.

Counseling and Advising

Student Assistance

Students are encouraged to contact any faculty or staff member for assistance on educational, vocational, or other related topics. All full-time faculty members maintain daily office hours for student conferences.

Counseling and Testing

The counselors are dedicated to providing the support and guidance that students need to reach their educational objectives. Enrolled or prospective students are encouraged to visit with a counselor for assistance with academic advisement that might include exploring majors and setting educational goals, assistance with college placement tests, academic or technical course planning, and help with university transfer questions. Counselors are trained to provide additional services for students with disabilities, single parents, and students seeking veteran’s benefits. These services also include short-term personal crisis counseling and utilize a variety of referral resources both on campus and in the community to enhance student success.


Career Services

The goal of the Career and Guidance Center is to educate, support, and guide individuals in the process of career planning. Assistance with obtaining information and opportunities to develop the necessary skills to transition from the classroom to the workplace. Whether you are uncertain about a major, a career choice, writing resumes, or interviewing, you may utilize the services in the Career and Transfer Center for assistance. Listings for part-time and off campus employment are available in this office.  For more information, visit the Career and Guidance Center web page.

The college’s Work-Study Program enables qualified college students to work on campus part-time while taking courses. The financial aid office and job placement coordinate applications for on-campus employment.


Transfer Center

The mission of the Brazosport College Transfer Center is to provide transfer-intending students with knowledge and resources to support them as they navigate the transfer process, assist with facilitating a streamlined transfer pathway from Brazosport College to another institution, develop resources to aid faculty and staff with transfer advising, and enhance the transfer-going culture at Brazosport College. For more information,  visit the Transfer Center.

Library and Learning Services

The Library

A vital learning resource, the college library contains more than 75,000 volumes, a large selection of print periodical titles, and access to more than 100 full-text, online research databases. Located on the first floor of BC Central, the library maintains extensive back files of periodicals in bound, microform, and electronic formats. Moreover, several newspapers from locations throughout Texas and the United States are available. The library also offers graphic calculators, headphones, webcams, and other productivity tools available for checkout.

The majority of library resources and tools are available electronically at brazosport.edu/library. This includes the library’s automated card catalog, full-text journal and newspaper databases, and electronic books, all available anywhere, anytime, via any device. Further, the library has 24 computers and printing in the library is free. Also, students may purchase in the library for use in the campus open computer labs.

Library materials are jointly selected by campus faculty members and professional library staff, to serve the curricular needs of Brazosport College. What’s more, the library maintains a collection of pleasure reading and library staff welcome student suggestions for new books, periodicals, and other learning materials. The library also provides interlibrary loan service to students, faculty, and staff.

The library has six study rooms available for students to reserve for private study, study groups, or other meetings. The rooms may be reserved up to two weeks in advance and reservations may be made in person at the main desk or by calling 979-230-3310. The library also has a computer lab/classroom available for course instruction which contains 24 computers and an instructor’s station.

Knowledgeable and helpful library staff are available to provide research assistance to both individuals and classes. Class tours, orientations, and specialized workshops may be scheduled by calling 979-230-3310.

Library hours:

7:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday

8:00 a.m. - 12 noon, Friday

Learning Services

Located on the first floor, adjacent to the Library, Learning Services provides a variety of services to help students with their course work.

  • Computing Services - an open lab with more than 30 computers is available for student use. Several accessories are available along with printing at a minimal charge.
  • Online Learning Services - A section of the computer lab is set aside for online course work.
  • Testing Services - Proctored testing services, including computerized testing, are provided for faculty and students Monday through Thursday at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and Friday at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. A current Brazosport College Photo I.D. is required to gain admittance to all BC tests. Call 979-230-3253 or stop by in-person to schedule an exam.
  • Tech. Support Services - Learning Services staff provide limited technical support related to course work.
  • Audio/Visual Services - Students may view audio/video tapes, CDs, or other media that instructors reserve.
  • Office Equipment Services - Several pieces of equipment are available including a photocopier, laminator, staplers, hole punches, and more.
  • Study Skill Services - Learning Services provides a variety of information regarding how to manage time and optimize learning.
  • Conference Rooms -Three large conference rooms are available for scheduled meetings and study groups.
  • For more information, please see the Learning Services website at brazosport.edu/learning-services.

Learning Services hours:

7:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday

7:30 a.m. - 12 noon, Friday

Veterans Affairs

Veterans and eligible dependents who want to apply for veteran’s educational benefits should contact the Veterans’ Advisor before they register. Because certification is done at the student’s request, veterans should contact the Veterans’ Advisor each semester.

Student Success Center

Brazosport College Student Success Center exists to provide a variety of academic support services to all students. These services include the transitional course Learning Framework, Supplemental Instruction (or SI), the Brazosport College Writing Center, the Brazosport College Math Center, Student Mentor support, along with other forms of tutoring, and workshops. Research strongly supports the use of services at the Student Success Center. Students who take advantage of these services earn higher grades, are more likely to stay in college and graduate at a higher rate.

Learning Framework (PSYC1300)

The Learning Framework course teaches techniques for learning that are based on sound psychological findings and learning theory. It is a psychology course that has immediate applications for the student. Topics covered in the Learning Framework course include:

  • How college is different than high school
  • How to be an “A” student
  • How to use myBC, BC email, p-drive, Desire2Learn
  • Taking notes
  • Active learning
  • Motivation
  • Goal setting
  • Time management
  • Memory
  • Preparing for exams
  • Improving reading
  • Improving writing,
  • Career explorations
  • Learning styles
  • Managing stress
  • Fiscal management

For questions about Learning Framework, contact the Transitional Educational Department, at 979-230-3184.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a free academic support program that uses collaborative, hands-on learning strategies to increase academic performance and retention in SI-supported courses. SI involves the use of regularly scheduled peer-facilitated sessions in which students are provided the opportunity to process and practice course-related information.

Each SI section is facilitated by a peer leader, known as an SI Leader, who are required to have successfully completed the same course, preferably with the same instructor of the course they will support. SI Leaders are facilitators that function as “model students.” They attend regularly scheduled lectures, take notes, and read all assigned materials. The SI Leader conducts three or more out-of-class SI sessions each week to share learning strategies, review material, and answer questions. The overall goal is to integrate “how to learn” with “what to learn”.

All students enrolled in an SI-supported course are eligible and strongly encouraged to participate. At Brazosport College, students who participate in SI tend to earn from one-half to one full letter grade higher than those who do not participate in SI.

Please visit the Supplemental Instruction website for detailed information including supported classes, contact information, and how to become an SI Leader. The SI Leader office is located in the Sadler Building, HS 225.

Writing Center

The mission of the Brazosport College Writing Center (BC WC) is to create and facilitate a culture of literacy at Brazosport College. We believe that literacy education is a life-long process. Life is lumpy. While we might have one plan today, we don’t know what skills we will need in the future. All fields require literacy skills, and reading and writing are components of science, nursing, and workforce programs as well. Effective communication is a skill that employers always need, and the Brazosport College Writing Center is committed to supporting the reading and writing of our academic and larger community.

The BC WC is not just for people who find writing, reading, or speaking difficult. All successful writers know that nothing is written in isolation. Writers need readers, and the Writing Center has at least two readers on staff every hour to work with you at every stage of the writing process.

Along with walk-in visits, we also allow students to schedule appointments in advance by visiting the BC Writing Center online or calling us at 979.230.3184 or 3460, and students have a choice between 25 minute and 55 minute session lengths.

Students can expect to receive assistance in becoming more effective readers and communicators in speaking and writing. The Writing Center Consultants can help you with:

  • reading comprehension,
  • reading and researching sources for your writing projects,
  • brainstorming possible topics in response to an assignment,
  • developing ideas,
  • maintaining your focus in your writing,
  • organizing and outlining speeches,
  • clearly communicating during Power Point presentations,
  • formatting academic writing following MLA, APA, and CMS, and
  • discovering and learning how to control persistent patterns of error.

While we don’t provide proofreading services, we will work to enable you to become a better editor of your own work.

Faculty can expect to receive support for their students and themselves. The Writing Center will work with individual faculty members by in-class workshops, supported peer review, or supplemental workshops tailored to your class and your students’ reading and writing needs. In addition to visits at the start of the semester that describe how the Writing Center can help your students succeed, we can provide designated consultants who will meet with you to stay current on your class materials and provide feedback on how your students who visit the Writing Center seem to understand that material. Working with a designated consultant offers you a window into your students’ comprehension regarding your assignments and class-concepts, and this insight can help you decide what lessons and interventions to offer during class. In addition to support from our Consultants, the Writing Center can help you more effectively integrate writing into your courses by:

  • helping you develop and scaffold assignments to solicit the thinking you want to evaluate,
  • providing ways to respond to and assess student writing, including assistance in designing evaluation guidelines and rubrics
  • discussing how to use writing to teach writing concepts that you find students consistently struggling with.

If you would like to discuss ways the Brazosport College Writing Center can support existing writing instruction or help you integrate writing into any of your courses, please contact the Director of the Writing Center, Dr. April Sikorski (April.Sikorski@brazosport.edu or 979.230.3174). Also, find us on Facebook (BCWC) or on Instagram (@bcwriting).


Math Center

The Brazosport College Math Center (BC MC) provides free in-person and online tutoring in all areas of math. Tutoring in other subjects vary.  Our center is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and on Fridays, 8:00 am to noon.


As a supplement to in course instruction, tutoring can be an effective tool for students to be successful in their courses and has been proven to help students raise their course grades and to overcome concept anxiety.  

In addition to tutoring, the BC MC offers various student resources, including video learning lessons in foundational math concepts. These Algebra Learning Modules will help students prepare for placement exams, review long lost knowledge, and assist in course success.  Other useful resources include formula sheets, helpful websites, and success tips.

For the most current BC MC information, such a list of courses tutored, the tutor schedule, or types of services, visit the Math Center website.


(979) 230-3515


Main Building, Student Success Center, E.201/203


BC Student Mentors

The Student Mentor program is a free service that provides academic, social, and support services to first-year students.  Student mentors are experienced peer leaders who provide first-hand insight on navigating the college experience and promote student success.

The Student Mentor office is located in the Student Success Center, E. 213; drop-ins are welcome or schedule an appointment to get priority service. **Office hours are subject to change each semester.

The Student Mentor Program offers a safe haven for BC students seeking:

  • Academic & Social Support
  • Study Strategies & Tips
  • Campus Resources
  • Advocacy between Counselors, Professors & College Departments
  • Referral services

Mentor Office Number: 979- 230-3439
Program Director: Vivian L. Rodgers

Other Academic Supports Services

The Student Success Center provides three study rooms that are available for student use, along with thirteen computers with printing capabilities.  Students are encouraged to reserve these study rooms to collaborate with classmates to work on projects and assignments. A conference room is also available and can be reserved for large group meetings.

Students who desire assistance in a subject not listed or have questions about these additional services contact the Student Success Center, at 979-230-3184.