Feb 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog

Grading System and Policies

Return to: Academic Services and Enrollment Policies  


A final examination will be given in each course at the end of each semester. Exceptions to this policy are by permission of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness only. Other examinations in each course will be administered as outlined in the approved course syllabus.

Final examinations are not permitted before the scheduled time without approval from the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness. Students who must be absent from a final examination should petition the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, for permission to postpone the examination.

Postponed final exams should be taken within 30 days after the end of the semester unless the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, has granted permission to extend this limit.

Students absent without permission from a final examination will receive an “F” on the examination.

For students who are absent the day of a test other than a final examination, a make-up test may be given at the instructor’s discretion.

Incomplete Grades

Students who fail to complete the requirements of a course for a justifiable reason such as illness will receive a grade of incomplete, or “I.”  Before submitting a grade of incomplete, the student and instructor must sign an agreement describing work to be completed, the deadline for completion, and the result if the work is not completed.

Students can remove an “I” from their record by completing the course requirements within 60 days after the end of the semester.  This period may be extended only with the approval of the Dean of Instruction.  Students shall be responsible for arranging with their instructor the completion of the course requirements.

If the course requirements are not satisfactorily completed within 60 days, the “I” will become an “F.”  An incomplete cannot be changed to a “W.”

In extraordinary or extenuating cases, the College President or his or her designated representative can approve deviations from this policy.  https://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Download/215?filename=EGA(LOCAL).pdf

Repeating a Course

A student who desires to improve a grade received in a course may retake the course. When students repeat a course, the last grade received, with the exception of a “W” (withdrawal) grade, is the permanent grade for the course. Previous grades for that course will not be included in calculating grade point averages or in calculating total hours for graduation at Brazosport College, except for courses designed to be repeated. A course that is repeated does not remove the earlier course from the permanent record.



To officially withdraw from college, students must complete and sign a withdrawal form, available in the Registrar’s Office, and must meet all their financial obligations to the college.

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Technology Degree program must notify the program’s coordinator before withdrawing from a course.

Students who officially withdraw from a course before the end of the 10th week of classes in a long semester will receive a “W” for the course. After this time, students are expected to take the final examination and will receive the grade they earn.

Students who fail to complete their course work satisfactorily and do not officially withdraw will receive an “F.”

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requires continuous remediation for students who are not successful on placement tests and limits withdrawals from transitional courses. Students who are enrolled in transitional courses because of TSI requirements must attend these courses or be administratively withdrawn from their transitional courses.

Grade Appeal Procedures

Students must file an appeal within 60 days of the date grades were due for that semester. Grades can be appealed by following the procedure outlined in Brazosport College Administrative Regulation EGAR (Local). A copy of this policy is available in the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, the Library, division chairs, or on the website at https://www.brazosport.edu/humanresources/administrative-regulations/.

Semester Grades

Students may access their semester grades by using myBC.

Permanent grades are recorded at the end of each semester.  Grades are not official until posted on the Brazosport College transcript.

Grade and Grade Points

The grading system used at Brazosport College and the grade points assigned are as follows:

Grade      Description Grade Points Per Semester Hour
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Passing 1
F Failing 0
AU Audit 0
CR Credit 0
I      Incomplete 0
NC      No Credit 0
P      Pass 0
W      Withdrawal 0
NG No Grade 0
NR Not Reported 0
F_X Failing - Unearned 0

Grade point averages can be calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of GPA hours. Grades of I, IN, P, S, U, N, CR, NC, NG, NR, W, WF, WP, F_X, and AU do not affect grade point averages.