Feb 10, 2025  
2017-2018 Course Catalog 
2017-2018 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Standards of Academic Progress

Return to: Academic Services and Enrollment Policies  

Advised Academic Status, Scholastic Probation, and Scholastic Suspension

Scholastic probation: Students who have a grade point average below 2.0 or who withdraw from more than half of the credit hours attempted in a semester may be placed on advised academic status or scholastic probation. The appropriate division chair will outline the conditions students must follow to continue enrollment at the college. If they fail to meet these conditions, they will be subject to scholastic suspension.

Students who are on academic probation from another institution cannot be admitted to Brazosport College without permission from the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs. If they register without permission, they can be dismissed and forfeit their tuition and fees.

Scholastic suspension: If placed on scholastic suspension, students will not be eligible to enroll at Brazosport College for one semester except with permission from the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs. If they are suspended again, they cannot be readmitted for a year. If they are suspended a third time, they cannot re-enroll without permission from the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs.

Students under scholastic suspension from another institution cannot be admitted to Brazosport College without permission from the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs. If they register without permission, they can be dismissed and forfeit their tuition and fees.

Information for Students on Veterans Administration Benefits

Brazosport College uses the following standards of progress for purposes of veterans’ benefits certification to comply with Veterans Administration (VA) and Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) regulations.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Students on Veterans Administration (VA) Benefits:

Students must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 (C average) to make satisfactory progress for VA benefits certification.

Students who do not maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 shall be placed on a probationary status for VA benefits certification the following enrollment period. Students on VA benefits probation will be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA for the semester. If the 2.0 cumulative GPA is achieved the first semester on probation, the probationary status is removed.

If the student achieves a semester GPA of 2.0 during the probationary semester but has not achieved the required cumulative GPA of 2.0, the student will continue to be certified and remain on a probationary status. If the student is still not meeting the minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA required at the end of the second probationary semester, the student will be reported to the VA as not meeting standards of progress until their cumulative GPA meets minimum 2.0 standards.

Students on probationary status who do not receive a semester GPA of 2.0 will NOT be certified for VA benefits their next semester at Brazosport College.

If a student suspended from VA benefits certification achieves a semester GPA of 2.0 but has not yet met the cumulative GPA of 2.0, they will be placed back on a probationary status for future semester certification.

Students with a cumulative GPA below a 2.0 will be placed on academic hold and required to meet with an assigned division chair regarding conditions for continuing enrollment.

Students suspended from VA benefits certification are encouraged to meet with a BC counselor to review their educational goals.

The VA Regional Office will determine whether or not benefits will be paid during a period of unsatisfactory progress (cumulative GPA is below a 2.0). Unsatisfactory progress could result in suspension of benefits by the VA.

Grades transferred to Brazosport College will be taken into consideration in regards to satisfactory/unsatisfactory progress.


All veterans requesting certification for VA benefits at Brazosport College must provide the Certifying Official with a copy of their military transcript. A student may not be certified for a Second Semester without a copy of the military transcript in the college’s VA file.

VA regulations require that all coursework taken prior to enrollment at Brazosport College be evaluated and applied toward the educational program declared at Brazosport College. These transcripts will be evaluated and credit will be given for equivalent courses.

Brazosport College requires official transcripts be furnished to the Admission’s Office within four weeks of the first class day of the first term of enrollment at Brazosport College.

The Veterans’ Certifying Official may certify enrollment with prior credit “pending” without having received official transcripts for one semester if the Certification Prior to Received Transcript(s) Agreement is completed.

Adequate Records

Final grades in each subject for each semester are kept on all students.

Withdrawals will be reported to the VA and teacher withdrawals will include the last day of attendance/participation.