Feb 10, 2025  
2017-2018 Course Catalog 
2017-2018 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

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2017-2018 Credit Program Tuition and Fees

The tuition and fees shown in this section are accurate as of the date of publication of this catalog; however, they are subject to change by action of the Board of Regents at any time.

Credit Hours In-District* Out of District** Out of State/International***
1 90.50 124.50 225.50
2 181.00 249.00 357.00
3 271.50 373.50 535.50
4 362.00 498.00 714.00
5 452.50 622.50 892.50
6 543.00 747.00 1071.00
7 633.50 871.50 1249.50
8 724.00 996.00 1428.00
9 814.50 1120.50 1606.50
10 905.00 1245.00 1785.00
11 995.50 1369.50 1963.50
12 1086.00 1494.00 2142.00
13 1176.50 1618.50 2320.50
14 1267.00 1743.00 2499.00
15 1357.50 1867.50 2677.50
16 1448.00 1992.00 2856.00
17 1538.50 2116.50 3034.50
18 1629.00 2241.00 3213.00
19 1719.50 2365.50 3391.50
20 1810.00 2490.00 3570.00

Note to Students Taking Junior and Senior Level Courses

3000 and 4000 level courses taken by students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Technology Program will have an additional course fee of $68 per credit hour added to the above table amounts to offset the increased costs of delivering upper division courses.

Additional fees will be charged for specific course fees.

*In-District Amounts include tuition ($65 per hour), building fee ($11 per hour), technology fee ($11 per hour) and student service fee ($3.50 per hour).

**Out-of District Amounts include Tuition ($99 per hour), building fee ($11 per hour), technology fee ($11 per hour) and student service fee ($3.50 per hour).

***Out-of State/Int’l Amounts include Tuition ($153 per hour or $200 minimum), building fee ($11 per hour), technology fee ($11 per hour) and student service fee ($3.50 per hour).

Tuition Installment Payment Plan

Students are allowed to sign up for an installment plan for tuition and fees through NELNET Campus Commerce, a third party tuition management firm. Students can access additional information concerning the installment plan at the following link: http://www.brazosport.edu/students/paying-for-college/cashiers-office/installment-plan/. Several guidelines have been established for the NELNET Installment Plan:

  1. Before applying for the installment payment plan, the student will need to obtain a personal identification number (PIN) from the Registrar’s Office. Students enrolling for the first time will be given a PIN as soon as their application is processed and they have been admitted to Brazosport College.
  2. Use of the NELNET Installment Plan requires the student to have either a checking, savings or credit card account.
  3. The student must pay a down payment of the total tuition and fees online by the Drop for Non-payment dates published in the annual Brazosport College Student Guide & Calendar booklet.
  4. A separate $25 non-refundable fee is charged by NELNET for processing the installment plan at the same time the down payment is collected.
  5. The remaining tuition and fees are due per the designated contract after the original down payment.
  6. Students with payment plans who add, drop or cancel their classes will have their contract automatically adjusted before the next payment is processed.
  7. NELNET will assess a $30 missed payment fee for any rejected payments.
  8. Any unpaid balance will be turned over to a collection agency. The student will be responsible for any collection costs.
  10. The college will prohibit release of an official transcript of all credits earned until full payment of all amounts due and payable under the agreement have been made.
  11. Tuition Installments Payment Plans not paid in full by the final payment date will be assessed an invoice fee by The College equivalent to one hour of In-District tuition. ($65 for 2017-2018).

$1,000 Tuition Rebate for Certain Undergraduates

All Texas public baccalaureate-granting academic institutions are required to offer rebates to eligible students. The purpose of the program authorized by section 54.0065 of the Texas Education Code is to provide tuition rebates that will provide a financial incentive for the students to prepare for university studies while completing their high school work, avail themselves of academic counseling, make early career decisions, and complete their baccalaureate studies with as few courses outside the degree plan as possible. Minimizing the number of courses taken by students results in financial savings to students, parents, and the state.

To be eligible for rebates under this program, students must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. They must have enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in the fall 1997 semester or later.
  2. They must be requesting a rebate for work related to a first baccalaureate degree received from a Texas public university.
  3. They must have been a resident of Texas, must have attempted all coursework at a Texas public institution of higher education, and have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
  4. They must have attempted no more than three hours in excess of the minimum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree under the catalog under which they were graduated. Hours attempted include transfer credits, course credit earned exclusively by examination, courses that are dropped after the official census date, for credit transitional courses, optional internship and cooperative education courses, and repeated courses. Courses dropped for reasons that are determined by the institution to be totally beyond the control of the student shall not be counted.

Responsibilities of Students

  1. Students desiring to qualify for tuition rebates are responsible for complying with all university rules and regulations related to administration of the program.
  2. Students desiring to qualify for tuition rebates are solely responsible for enrolling only in courses that will qualify them for the rebates.
  3. Students who have transferred from other institutions of higher education are responsible for providing to the institution awarding the degree official transcripts from all institutions attended by the student.
  4. Students must apply for rebates prior to receiving their baccalaureate degrees on forms provided by the institution and must keep the institution apprised of their addresses for at least 60 days after their graduation date. 

Course Fees and Special Charges

Some credit courses are assessed and additional fee, approved by the Brazosport College Board of Regents.  The following table, subject to change, contains all approved fees.  Other special charges are listed

Course Fees for Credit Courses  

Invoice Fee: A fee of $65 (equal to one hour of In-District tuition) will be charged to student who has not paid in full the Tuition Installment Payment Plan by final payment date.

Course Audit Fee: Students approved to enroll in a course on an “Audit” basis will be charged $50 per course in addition to normal tuition and fees.

Applied Music: Individualized Instruction - Students enrolled for individualized music instruction will be charged $110 per credit hour.

Workforce Education Special Topics Courses: Students enrolling for special topics courses will be assessed a charge as necessary to offset the costs of creating each course. The amount of the special charge will vary by course, but it will not exceed $72 per course.

Distance Courses: Students enrolling in distance courses - (Internet and Hybrid courses) will be assessed a charge of $40 per course in addition to normal tuition and fees. Students enrolling in Virtual College of Texas (VCT) courses will be assessed a charge of $45 per course.

Concurrent College Enrollment Tuition

Students who are registered simultaneously at more than one Texas public college are considered to be concurrently enrolled. Students who enroll first at the school with the lower tuition rate and pay full tuition charges may then pay only the hourly tuition rate at the additional schools. Contact the Brazosport College Registrar’s Office for information about registration and the Business Office for information about the computation of fees.

Students must provide the Business Office with a valid paid registration receipt from each of the other colleges so that the appropriate fees can be determined for enrollment at Brazosport College. If any of the public colleges in which a student is concurrently enrolled considers the student a Texas resident, Brazosport College will also consider the student a Texas resident for the purpose of determining tuition.


Typically, a full-time student can expect to spend about $400 to $550 per semester on books. Most books needed for course work are available at the campus bookstore. Students may also purchase or reserve their books online via the bookstore’s website at http://www.brazosportbookstore.com. At designated times, usually around final exams, the bookstore will buy back textbooks from students that are needed for the following semester at up to 50 percent of the original purchase price.

Returned Checks

A charge of $25 will be assessed for every check returned to the college for any reason. Post-dated checks or checks for amounts larger than the amount of the transaction will not be accepted. Returned checks will be placed with a collection agency after the college has failed in reasonable attempts to collect. The student will owe the check amount plus the $25 returned check fee and collection costs.