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Transitional Educational Courses
Students will be placed in transitional education courses if the TSI test indicates a need for review or development of entry-level college skills. Brazosport College offers the following transitional education courses.
Mathematics Courses (Algebra/Algebra Pre Cal Pathways): MATH 0404 MATH 0406 MATH 0408
Mathematics Courses (Statistics/Quantitative Reasoning Pathways): MATH 0404 MATH 0407
Mathematics Courses (Modular: Both Pathways): MATH 0410 MATH 0411 MATH 0412
English Courses: ENGL 0108 ENGL 0410
Students will receive grades in these courses as in other courses, but the grades do not affect grade point averages. Students progress through the transitional sequence by passing the course to qualify for the next level.
Credit by Examination
Special examinations provide students an opportunity to establish credit for certain courses. Credit may be earned by Advanced Placement Exams, CLEP Exams, and departmental exams.
To apply for credit by examination, students must complete a petition for credit by examination in the Counseling and Testing Office. A minimum of 6 semester credit hours must be earned at Brazosport College before credit will be posted to the student’s transcript. A maximum of 24 hours may be earned by exam.
For further information about credit by examination at Brazosport College, please contact the Counseling and Testing Office, 979-230-3237.