Sep 16, 2024  
2017-2018 Course Catalog 
2017-2018 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Directory

Reading Course Descriptions

Brazosport College uses the Texas Common Course Numbering System in support of efforts to enhance the transferability of credit throughout the state system of colleges and universities. In addition to its descriptive title, each course is identified by a four character prefix (also called a rubric) to identify the department or discipline and a four digit number that is unique to each course within a rubric. The course number should be interpreted as follows:

First digit: level of the course

  0 – transitional  
  1 – freshman  
  2 – sophomore  
  3 – junior  
  4 – senior  
Second digit: number of semester hours of credit
Last two digits: identify a specific course within the rubric or department

For example, ENGL 1301  is a three-hour course in English typically taken the freshman year.

See Directory of Courses by Prefix for a table showing the prefixes associated with commonly used names for the various disciplines of study. There is a brief description of the course content and a list of any prerequisites (courses that must be taken or other conditions that must be met before enrolling in the course) and, in many cases, a tested skill level code in reading, writing, or math that must be met before enrolling in the course. See a counselor for specific information about the skill level testing and requirements.

Distance Learning and the Virtual College of Texas

Brazosport College participates in the Virtual College of Texas (VCT), a consortium of Texas community colleges for sharing Internet courses. Tuition and fees for courses taken for credit through the Virtual College of Texas are the same one would pay for similar courses at Brazosport College. Credit for VCT courses is shown on the Brazosport College transcript. Not every course that is listed on the state schedule will be available to Brazosport College students. Consult the VCT web site, then contact the Brazosport College Distance Education at 979-230-3368 for more information regarding Virtual College of Texas enrollment.

Required Skill Codes

Some courses offered by Brazosport College require college level skill codes in math, reading and writing.  Students who are certificate seeking, as documented in the student record, are not required to meet these requirements.  Skill codes are enforced for all degree seeking students.

Directory of Courses by Prefix

Directory of Courses by Catalog Prefix

Information regarding specific courses may be obtained by contacting the Brazosport College instructional division responsible for courses in that teaching discipline:

BAT: Bachelor of Applied Technology 979-230-3615
Com/FA: Communications and Fine Arts 979-230-3224
C/CT&OA Computer/Construction Technologies and Office Admin 979-230-3229
HlthProf: Health Professions 979-230-3424
M/LS: Mathematics and Life Sciences 979-230-3225
PS/PT: Physical Sciences and Process Technologies 979-230-3618
SS/Bus: Social Sciences and Business 979-230-3226
TE: Transitional Education 979-230-3527

Course Prefixes (Rubrics)  


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